Sunday, November 22, 2015

This is a reply to a comment I posted on Youtube that took on a path I honestly did not forsee. I wrote a comment on how I identify with the Smiths and how they are raising Willow and Jaden.  I also said that I would have like to say it was racist but I couldn't being that most of the negative comments were from people of color.  I got backlash saying that I made this about color.  Let's talk about that. This is not the direction that I intended and the people that are taking this stance, are not my audience, but they want to discuss.  OK....The most glaring example, if I wanted to make this about race, is the Kardashians vs the Smiths.  The Kardashians have made a living out of being out of the norm.  They have been taught how to get ahead with little or no talent.  They have raped cultures to establish their position in entertainment, and without a doubt they are entertaining.  The question I propose is, can they be taken seriously.  They have used sex and scandal to continue being in the forefront of the entertainment industry, they are artificially pretty and marry well.  But when Amandla spoke out about another teenager's appropriation of her culture, she was attacked and victimized on several sites.  She was seen as an adult,  not  as one child reprimanding another child.  Willow filmed laying on a bed, fully cloth, with a friend who is also in the same band as her brother, doing nothing and they question rather they are dating.  Jaden is a feminist and they question his sexuality and sanity.  STOP.  These are major media outlets doing this.  I guarantee they are not headed by African Americans.  These children express themselves clearly and with emotion, but people want to shut them down.  Shut down the the seventeen year old, dating the twenty-five year old ex-drug dealer. So is this a racist rant, no.  This is observation through the eyes of an Black American.  Racism, especially systematic racism, is built on power, which clearly based on the state America is in now, I do not have. Stop trying to be the victim, it no longer works on me.  I woke up in my youth, and I have raised mine with their eyes wide open.  This does not make us racist, but informed and unable to be blinded by carefully, and systematically planned propaganda.  At this point, those who are not woke either do not want to be, or they are not even aware that they are sleep.  So for those who find my blog, or brave enough to come to where I have directed you, please come girded with facts, as well as your victims emotions. I will not entertain hate for the sake of hate.

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